

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


There isn't really a true democracy. Democracy Is defined as the entire population or those eligible governing themselves. America isn't really a democracy, rather more of a republic that is ruled by senators and representatives that make decisions. At one point in time America may have been a democracy where senators and representatives listened to the people of their country and voted accordingly. However the evils of greed and capitalism have taken over and these congress members can be easily bought and corrupted. Capitalism, that tends to be the big problem, when you tell rich people that they can do whatever they want to make more money they will go as far as buying the government to lean in their favor. Ours is not a fair system where every person has a chance but rather it is a system of rich people telling middle class people to blame the poor people.
“Democracy ... while it lasts, is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” This quote by John Adams hold true to America’s so called democracy. It started a s a good thing that allowed capitalism and equality. However when you tell a population of people that they all have an equal opinion, everyone is going to want to be right. Political parties turn into parties that are based on the self-interests of people instead of being governing parties that will support the original constitution. This poses a problem, for example, when a political party like the Republicans hold the control the population can expect to see laws and regulations that benefit the rich people and Christianity.  This being the point, democracy can’t work because you can not please all of the people all the time. Someone will be treated unfairly and someone is going to be excluded.  Monarchies work because people know they have to listen. In a monarchy such as Great Britain there is a queen and a parliament. This works because the people of the U.K. know that they have to do what is decided by parliament and the queen. This being said the people can still make their voices heard and influence the parliament with their opinions, but at the end of the day the people still have to shut up and follow the rules.

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