

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Japs and Germans

The Japanese war atrocities were by far worse than the Germans, not saying the Germans didn't do horrible things, but the Japanese committed far worse. The Japanese experimented on live humans making them into war time experiments. The Japanese were breaking every part of the Geneva Convention just to try creating biological weapons. Dr.Shiro Ishii was an ungodly man who seemed to make a living doing unspeakable things to people. He lived a life that could almost be compared to a rock star and was given whatever he wanted by the Japanese government. He was given a massive facility, the facility housed Dr.Ishii's sick human Experiments. Another man that is no less guilty was "The Angel of Death" Dr. Josef Mengele. Mengele was a Nazi SS scientist. This man dismissed human life like he was brushing crumbs from a table top. He had people killed for no relative reason other than that they were Jewish and were being a nuisance. This man was the creator of the Nazi gas chambers and cremators. Not only did he invent new sick ways to kill hundreds of people at once he also had a sick obsession. Dr. Mengele was obsessed with twins . He relentlessly experimented on twins, no one was for sure what he was trying to find. Most of the twins he experimented on died, one pair were even sewn together in an attempt to create Siamese twins.  

The Japanese Rape of Nanking is one of the worlds greatest atrocities. The Japanese soldiers started by killing all Chinese soldiers, even the ones that attempted to surrender. After the had control of the city of Nanking all hell broke loose. For six weeks the Japanese murdered, raped, and pillaged the town and it's people with no rhyme or reason. The Japanese had turned killing and raping the Chinese locals almost a sport. After the six week period the Japs settled in for the long haul of the war. They turned Nanking into a sick twisted death camp. They introduced heroin and opium to subdue the local population. During this occupation the Japanese used the locals for all their twisted desires. Any woman of any age was raped and often times forced to commit incest with another member of the family. The Japanese didn't just quickly kill people and dispose of them, they tried to find the most painful and excruciating ways to kill. The German's are by far not innocent with their mass extermination of the Jews. However the German's were more interested in killing as many as quickly as possible. They were trying for extermination, running their death camps like factories that had one product, dead Jews. The Japanese seemed to care less about ridding the earth of the Chinese and more about just being able to kill the Chinese for pleasure. There was no purpose to killing the Chinese except for simply that the Japanese felt like it.

Dr.Ishii and his scientists were allowed to go free after the war and live the rest of their lives in Japan. Nobody ever heard about Ishii's compound. The reason for this was that MacArthur had pardoned these war criminals as a trade for all of the biological weapon information the scientists had gathered. The German scientists like Mengele did not receive the same deal. This was probably because the entire world's attention was focused on Germany. If German scientists had been pardoned there would have been outcry. But since no one cared much about the Asian theatre nothing was done when the worst war criminals in history were allowed to simply retire to comfortable living.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Nixon was one of those presidents that tried to actually get things done while he was in office. He had a lot of good ideas but he also made a lot of mistakes. I believe if the man hadn’t resigned the American people would have forced him out of office.
                Nixon’s foreign policy was actually really good. His ideas of détente, relaxing the tensions with Russia and China. Nixon did a great thing by increasing relations with Russia and getting the soviets to lessen their weapons stash. He also managed to get things moving with China so well that he was one of the first Americans allowed into the borders of the People’s Republic of China in since 1949. His ping pong democracy was working. This was a huge accomplishment for Nixon and the American people.
                 Nixon was even doing good with Vietnamization. His plan was to end the United States involvement in the Vietnamese war and train South Vietnam’s forces to fight for themselves. This was a good idea for a couple of reasons. First it would get Nixon on the good side of the young people in the country who had been protesting the Vietnam war since its beginning. It would also, in theory, strengthen the forces of South Vietnam and help them protect themselves. However we know that this failed and the free South fell to the communist North. In one of Nixon’s attempts to cut off weapons supplies to Vietnam he bombed Cambodia. The bombing was hidden from the American people and many innocents were killed. Nixon took a large hit to his reputation for this mistake.
                Even though Nixon’s relations with The communist countries were good he seemed to manage to anger most of the Middle Eastern countries. Nixon tried to help out Israel and angered the Arab nations. Plus he tried to back India and managed to anger Pakistan. All of this support we gave got America nothing but Middle Eastern countries getting angry at us and forming OPEC. OPEC led to an oil embargo, which led to a gas shortage in the United States. Nixon was now in charge of a country of people who were angry at him for high gas prices. However he did manage to create the EPA.
                Nixon’s biggest downfall, however, was Watergate. Nixon had five men wiretap the Democratic Party offices. A security guard noticed a door that had been taped open. The five burglars were caught. Originally the connection wasn’t formed to connect Nixon to the break ins. More digging was done and it was found that Nixon taped all of the conversations in the oval office. The court system ruled that Nixon needed to turn over the tapes. It was by some coincidence that eighteen minutes were found to be missing. Nixon was forced to resign the presidency, he is the only American president to resign. Nixon probably would have had legal action held against him if it were not for President Ford pardoning him. Nixon never really admitted to the cover up or apologized to the American people until the interviews with David Frost. Frost got Nixon to admit to his involvement in the scandal and apologize for the mistakes he had made.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The definition of capitalism is, an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. The idea of capitalism is all well and good. I mean it provides freedom to private businesses, which really is the point of democracy, freedom to the people. Nobody wants the government to be in there business goofing with stuff and telling them what to do. We fought a war specifically to  end the control of government in business, yes referring to the Revolutionary War. However, capitalism allows the rich to get richer while making the poor poorer. When companies are allowed to outsource production to foreign countries while raising prices in their own counties it seems wrong. Capitalism allows companies to set ridiculous prices for goods. A fine example of this is cars, for some reason we are forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars for cars that are large chunks of plastic. Capitalism is the reason a man like Steve Jobs was allowed to back door his partners out of his company while jacking the prices of his products up so that people who wanted his product were required to pay out for his product. Despite all of this capitalism sometimes works because when companies are allowed to control themselves they can set their own prices. This allows for a competitive market, when some companies are jacking the prices of products up other companies can set lower prices to compete and drive prices down.
Socialism could be a good idea, government controlling the way businesses work. This doesn't sound right to most people. After all the definition of socialism is  a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. This simply means everyone in business is the same with the same profits and the same pay outs. However this means when certain parts start to fail all parts would begin failing. Also I do not believe the government should have control in any part of our lives. We are a free people that shouldn't be told how to live our lives based on what a government says.
It all boils down to greed. Capitalism would work if people weren't greedy. The reason capitalism gets a bad name is that the greedy do whatever it takes to make a profit because no one can tell them not to. Socialism is a bad idea because it takes away peoples freedoms. If a middle could be found where the greedy weren't able to take advantage of the system and the government weren't controlling business it would be almost perfect. However, something like this could not happen so in my opinion capitalism is better because I despise to much government control. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


There isn't really a true democracy. Democracy Is defined as the entire population or those eligible governing themselves. America isn't really a democracy, rather more of a republic that is ruled by senators and representatives that make decisions. At one point in time America may have been a democracy where senators and representatives listened to the people of their country and voted accordingly. However the evils of greed and capitalism have taken over and these congress members can be easily bought and corrupted. Capitalism, that tends to be the big problem, when you tell rich people that they can do whatever they want to make more money they will go as far as buying the government to lean in their favor. Ours is not a fair system where every person has a chance but rather it is a system of rich people telling middle class people to blame the poor people.
“Democracy ... while it lasts, is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” This quote by John Adams hold true to America’s so called democracy. It started a s a good thing that allowed capitalism and equality. However when you tell a population of people that they all have an equal opinion, everyone is going to want to be right. Political parties turn into parties that are based on the self-interests of people instead of being governing parties that will support the original constitution. This poses a problem, for example, when a political party like the Republicans hold the control the population can expect to see laws and regulations that benefit the rich people and Christianity.  This being the point, democracy can’t work because you can not please all of the people all the time. Someone will be treated unfairly and someone is going to be excluded.  Monarchies work because people know they have to listen. In a monarchy such as Great Britain there is a queen and a parliament. This works because the people of the U.K. know that they have to do what is decided by parliament and the queen. This being said the people can still make their voices heard and influence the parliament with their opinions, but at the end of the day the people still have to shut up and follow the rules.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Bicameral Government of The Colonies

                The Colonies had won the Revolutionary War, now they needed to set up an government. It was decided that a bicameral government would be used. This decision was made based on three reasons. The first reason being that it was simply what they were familiar with. The Colonies liked the idea the British had of two houses that kept each other in check. They already knew this system of government worked so they went with it.

                The second reason was that it worked as a compromise. Larger states wanted more pull in government while smaller states thought that they should get just as much say. By making the government bicameral every state would be able to be represented equally. Larger states had pull in government based on the fact that they had a larger population while less populated states still had a say in the government.

                The third reason was the theoretical stand point of the idea. If you give one person or on part of government more control then that party would have total rule over the government. Remembering the tyranny of a king it made the most sense that the states had a sort of watch dog system. By having a bicameral government the two parts of government will keep each other in check not letting one part gain more control than the other.