

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Freedom and Firearms

                People kill people, people also kill animals. People use guns to kill, guns aren’t the only thing that kill people. Knives, fire, poison, and even vending machines. The thought of outlawing guns because they “kill people” is foolish, if you use that principle then it’s like saying you think scorpions tails should be outlawed. The tail did it not the scorpion, he had no intention at all of stinging me it was all his tail. If I laid a gun on the table and told it to go kill someone do you know what it would do? Nothing, because guns don’t kill people, people kill people.

                In 1996, a gunman killed 35 people and wounded 18 more in Port Arthur, Australia. Twelve days after the massacre Australia banned guns and instigated a buy back. More than 1/3 of Australia’s guns were handed back into the government and it was found that about 90% of Australians approved of their stricter gun laws. This means that the Australian government said “No more guns”. The Australian people said “O.K. alright seems fair mate.” Mass shootings happen in the United States and the government says “Maybe we just ban the really big guns”. Half of Americans said “Alright, yeah seems fair.” And the other 50% went “screw you don’t take my guns!” Now I don’t necessarily believe we need a complete ban on guns but I do believe that sale laws need to be restricted to sporting fire arms and self-defense weapons. There is no need for assault weapons.  One thing that does bother me is these people that run around saying you can’t take my guns it’s my second amendment right, which is true, but then they turn around and say they believe we need to demilitarize the police force. Seriously, it’s like we want to just make it easy on criminals and street crime. It would be like telling a wheelchair basketball team to take on the Miami Heat. Either their needs to be a balance in the guns between the government and the people or there needs to be no guns.

                The 2nd amendment was not part of the original constitution that’s why it’s called an amendment. I’m tired of people talking about it like it is a law of nature that never goes away. Amendments get repealed and added it happens and it can happen. What people seem to not understand is that when this amendment was passed they were still using muskets. Yeah it sounds like a great idea for the people to own guns because the likeliness of them even being able to kill each other is pretty low. Now a days we have much more effective and precise killing machines. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing I’m just saying that things have changed we live in a different world now, it’s time to at least revise the amendment. The second amendment guarantees  the right to “A well regulated militia” great that’s fine we have the national guard, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” note the word right, you have the right to doesn’t mean you should. I know plenty of people who have the right to own a gun but the definitely shouldn’t. This amendment needs to stay but it needs to be revised for a better clearer understanding.


  1. I support what you said by the amendment tells us we have the right to own guns but certain people do not deserve that right. People need to respect the rights and understand that they kill people and not the guns. Lastly I enjoyed your analogies and how you related the ideas to real life situation.

  2. You certainly have a unique view on things Jimmy. I do believe we need to update the 2nd Amendment to make it better suited for this time in history. I think that we shouldn't change it too much though.

  3. you make a great point with this blog. it was very interesting to read.

  4. I agree with the fact that the 2nd Amendment should be revised to the present day settings. People should have restrictions on what types of guns they are allowed to own. Guns do not kill people, but they do make it easier for people to kill other people.

  5. I agree with the fact that people kill people and guns are just a tool to do so. If we take away guns people will find other ways to kill if they want to. I also agree that we should get rid of assault weapons because there is no need for citizens to have them. We only need the guns we hunt with.

  6. So I would like to see a link to some of the statistics you used in the beginning of the blog. Try not to get to fancy with the analogies.
