This is
not a question of who is right and who is wrong. It is never that simple when
it comes to politics, it is however a question of right and left. It has always
been political parties battling each other and getting in each others way.
Nothing get done in this country that actually needs to get done because a lot
of politicians who can’t agree on anything that think they are more right than
the other. The only thing the parties seem to ever come close to agreeing on is
war and how much their own pay checks should be.
wasn’t a bad president, he did what he could the only ways to do it. Most
presidents wouldn’t have made it through the first month of the civil war
without giving up, going home, and letting the union crumble. Not Lincoln
though, He persevered and got done what he wanted to get done. There is no
doubt in my mind that the Emancipation Proclamation was a war move. Free all
the slaves in the South so that they will come to the North and fight for the
Union. It’s a smart play that is sure to get under the South’s skin. To today’s
average person The Emancipation Proclamation was a great thing to free slaves,
which it was, but what is not shown is that it did not free slaves in the
North. The point I am getting at is that every president does something for a
reason and there is always a ripple effect. In Lincoln’s case he won a war and
in doing so abolished slavery.
problem I have was when Lincoln is quoted to say “I have decided that I hold
these powers” when he said this he was referring to the “war” powers he
believed he had. He believed that it was his constitutional duty to hold these
powers. I believe this is wrong, the constitution is not written for one man to
decide how he wants to interpret it for his own benefit. It is written so that
we as a people have our guaranteed rights, not one man using it for his own
personal power. I do believe that Lincoln abused his constitutional powers,
however, I believe that it did much more good than harm.
abused his powers and managed to do good while President Obama is not doing so
hot in that department. President Obama has taken it upon himself to pass 23
executive orders pertaining directly to gun control. I have an issue with this
since the right to bear arms is a 2nd amendment right. I do not believe
a president should be allowed to pass orders, that deal directly with a
constitutional right, without extensive voting by congress and or the public. I
believe that many presidents, such as Kennedy, pass executive orders because
the constant bickering between the two parties makes it impossible for
necessary changes to happen to this country. I however believe that Obama is
passing executive orders just to bypass the harassment of going through proper
channels and wind up getting shut down. A few presidents use executive orders as
a last resort, Obama uses them because he knows he is wrong.